FBK – Fondazione Bruno Kessler

Fondazione Bruno Kessler (FBK) is a non-profit research facility of public interest and represents the excellence and innovation centre in the project. For over 30 years, FBK has been at the forefront of Italian, European and international research on AI, cybersecurity and IoT.
Its experience is very closely related to the project score. FBK has mature experience in AI research activities, steering the application of Artificial Intelligence towards scientific technological innovation in synergy with social and cultural innovation, boosting the digital transformation where the set of technological, organizational and behavioural changes associated with the adoption of digital technology in particular in the field of industry and public administration.
FBK also plays a crucial role in European flagship projects, taking part in the main networks on Artificial Intelligence such as AI4EU, a project that aims to build the first European AI platform and ecosystem, TAILOR and Humane-AINet, two of the four European networks of excellence on AI. Coordinated by FBK, AIPlan4EU and AI@EDGE are projects to consolidate AI platforms by introducing automated planning and edge computing techniques. VISION is the strategic action that aims to keep Europe at the forefront of AI development.
Main team members

Prof. Silvio RANISE
Director of the FBK Center of Cybersecurity

Head of the FBK Open Platforms and Enabling Technologies for the Internet of Things (OpenIoT) Research Unit

Dr Giuseppe JURMAN
Head of the FBK Data Science for Health (DSH) Research Unit
Data Science for Health, Life Sciences and Computational Biology

Claudia DOLCI
Member of the FBK Junior Team – Research and Innovation for Schools

Technologist at the FBK Security&Trust (S&T) Research Unit
Cybersecurity and Io

Muhammad IMRAN
Researcher at the FBK Security&Trust (S&T) Research Unit

Diego SONA
Researcher at the FBK Data Science for Health (DSH) Research Unit

Dr Salvatore MANFREDI
Researcher at the FBK Security&Trust (S&T) Research Unit

Federico LENZI
Expert Research Engineer at the FBK Open Platforms and Enabling Technologies for the Internet of Things (OpenIoT) Research Unit